La 'beauté intérieure,' beauty that comes from inside is more important to me than physical beauty. Of course it doesn't hurt if you possess both but unfortunately women have been so preoccupied by the exterior (physical) beauty that they have neglected their beauté intérieure which is sad. I know women who are beautiful physically but don't have much in terms of personality or character, self-confidence or self-esteem. We have been conditioned to think that way by society but fortunately it's slowly changing and women like yourself and Garance Doré are such examples. Thank you for sharing!
I couldn’t agree more Yvonne. When you think about the most magnetic women you know, it’s always the ones with (as you said above) personality, character, self-confidence. Thanks for sharing this.
That was such a good interview!! Thank you for this 💜
So happy you enjoyed Vanessa!
I LOVED this interview!!! I can’t believe Garance is turning 50!! To be living in Saint Germain at 50 loving life is le rêve.
1000% agree - I love watching Garance step more into her most authentic self with every year. So happy you loved it Alison.
La 'beauté intérieure,' beauty that comes from inside is more important to me than physical beauty. Of course it doesn't hurt if you possess both but unfortunately women have been so preoccupied by the exterior (physical) beauty that they have neglected their beauté intérieure which is sad. I know women who are beautiful physically but don't have much in terms of personality or character, self-confidence or self-esteem. We have been conditioned to think that way by society but fortunately it's slowly changing and women like yourself and Garance Doré are such examples. Thank you for sharing!
I couldn’t agree more Yvonne. When you think about the most magnetic women you know, it’s always the ones with (as you said above) personality, character, self-confidence. Thanks for sharing this.